Posted on July 31, 2024 at 11:17 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
The publishing experts we follow have plenty of craft advice to offer.
Here are the ones that we thought were can't-miss for our authors:
How to turn your Muppet-like villain into something believable: Author Jillian Forsberg shares how she revised her first draft's cartoonish antagonists to make them more relatable (Writer Unboxed).
Reader empathy begins with compelling character emotion: Becca Puglisi breaks down what makes the person who picks up your book into a raving fan (Writers Helping Writers).
The movie trailer school of story and storytelling: When Romina Garber lost her job in publishing, she landed in a screenwriting gig — and it taught her valuable craft lessons (Writer's Digest).
Secrets of story structure, part three: Learn how to nail the first act of your story, something that's crucial to keep a reader turning the pages (Helping Writers Become Authors).
How to write a story retelling: Developmental editor and book coach Hannah Kate Kelley takes a deep dive into what makes for a successful new spin on an existing story (Jane Friedman).
Categories: Behind the scenes