Posted on January 8, 2025 at 10:09 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
The publishing experts we follow have plenty of business and marketing advice and news to offer.
Here are the ones that we thought were can't-miss for our authors:
ISBNs and barcodes: Robin Phillips explains, in response to author questions, that you don't need to buy a barcode, but that you might wish to purchase an ISBN, and also breaks down features of both (Author Help).
Should you hire a professional book designer and formatter?: Freelance book designer Andrea Reider shares some basic tips for those DIYing the interior of their books, while listing the additional benefits that hiring a professional can provide (Jane Friedman).
Copyright in the news: Dan Holloway reports on developments pertaining to copyright issues in the UK, including a coalition's response to a government inquiry and a court ruling that favors copyright holders (Alliance of Independent Authors).
Five types of podcasts for authors to listen to: Resolving to educate yourself more, but struggle to find the time to read advice? Penny Sansevieri recommends a particular show in each of the categories she finds valuable for writers (Author Marketing Experts).
Eight newsletters demystifying the publishing industry: If you prefer to read your advice rather than listen to it, however, Elizabeth Held lists her favorite written resources (Electric Literature).
Introducing Spotify's partner program: Dan Holloway highlights the key criteria for authors to participate in this new earning opportunity for authors (Alliance of Independent Authors).
Categories: Behind the scenes