Posted on January 17, 2025 at 12:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
The publishing experts we follow have plenty of advice to offer, spanning a variety of topics.
Here are the ones that we thought were can't-miss for our authors:
Your new year checklist: Penny Sansevieri and Amy Cornell provide an actual roadmap for authors to fill out for themselves to ensure they make they most of 2025 (Author Marketing Experts).
Print book sales rebound: Dan Holloway unpacks the book sales data coming out from 2024 (Alliance of Independent Authors).
Using allegory in fiction: Author Erika Swyler debunks a common critique of allegory as being flat, preachy, or cliché and describes how it can form the basis of a compelling, successful novel (Writer's Digest).
Categories: Behind the scenes