Posted on January 20, 2025 at 10:15 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
The publishing experts we follow have plenty of craft advice to offer.
Here are the ones that we thought were can't-miss for our authors:
Character secret thesaurus — pursuing a personal goal: Becca Puglisi lists some ways in which your character's unwillingness to reveal their ambitions could affect their behavior and the progression of your story (Writers Helping Writers).
The siren song of memory: Lucian Childs shares his five strategies for avoiding sentimentality in fiction when mining his own past for material (Writer's Digest).
How to use subtext and the art of dramatic tension: Zeeva Bukai explains five methods she uses, based on her acting experience, to illustrate the things that aren't said but merely implied on the page (Writer's Digest).
Eight vital steps to get better at self-editing your fiction: K.M. Weiland likes to think that self-editing is as straightforward as finding where your story doesn't measure up to the writing guidelines you value, but she's hosting Ali Luke to provide a roadmap to help you better identify these places (Helping Writers Become Authors).
Challenges and discipline in the writing life: C.S. Lakin suggests some (though not all) of the reasons you might encounter writer's block, along with strategies to work through them (Live Write Thrive).
Categories: Behind the scenes