Posted on January 29, 2025 at 9:22 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

These three posts all address a different facet of the writerly life, but there was a common theme — they look to explain and/or address pessimism.

One simply looked at it from a craft perspective; Dorian Lynskey analyzed why authors frequently write about the end or near-end of the world, in Writer's Digest

The other two examined it from an attitude and self-help perspective.

Barbara O'Neal identified anger/fear as one of the three main obstacles that lead writers to procrastinate and shared ways to break through all three in Writer Unboxed.

And Anne Carley invited her fellow writers to interview their own inner diminisher — the harsh voice inside — as a way to recognize it as an external critic and learn to quiet it, for Jane Friedman's blog.

Categories: Behind the scenes

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