Posted on July 7, 2020 at 11:15 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

We shared controversial language news on our reader blog yesterday (and made sure it was seen by posting it on Facebook this morning).

We doubt authors will react anywhere near as strongly to this post about words, but hey, we’ve been wrong before.

An editor on the Grammar Girl blog realized, while writing about when to use hyphens, that she was uncertain about whether to use “reenter” or “re-enter.”

For anyone using Chicago or Associated Press style, the answer is “reenter” ... to which you might find yourself reacting the same way as the Grammar Girl editor did: ugh, repeated vowels caused by a prefix?

So, if you have permission to create a house style, then you have Grammar Girl’s blessing to keep the hyphen in this and similar scenarios (should you so choose).

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