Posted on October 22, 2020 at 10:52 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

Even the most confident, assured, and successful among us can experience moments of self-doubt, especially when we look at others in our field.

And that includes even Kris Rusch.

In a business musings blog post, she recounts the emotions spurred by seeing another writer’s comment on a mutual friend’s Facebook post.

Even though she strongly disagrees with that writer’s declaration of the “only way to make money as a writer,” a part of her still second-guessed that confidence.

And so, not only does Rusch explain why that writer’s statement is objectively wrong, she also shares how to process that tendency to second-guess your strategies and successes when confronted with someone who takes a different route — head to her blog to read how.

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Categories: Behind the scenes

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