Posted on January 26, 2022 at 8:39 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

Obviously, we only share writing advice on this blog that we expect authors to find useful.

But every so often, a post comes through that's so spot-on that we can't share it fast enough.

Today, that's author Kelsey Allagood's reflections on what she calls the inner comments section.

Not to be confused with the inner critic or inner editor, the inner comments section is that part of your brain that imagines how an online commenter will react poorly to something you've written.

And like Allagood, we even chose the opening of our post to emphasize that of course we only share content that we think is useful — because if we started with the second line, not the first, someone might ask skeptically, "So ... you sometimes share useless posts?"

Read Allagood's four tips for handling the inner comments section when writing at Writer Unboxed.

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Categories: Behind the scenes

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